Who are 1st Choice Plumbing ?
If you’re looking for help or advice with plumbing, you’ve landed on the right website.
For the latest information, guides and bathroom installation examples you can follow us on social media.
We are a plumbing company based in Berkshire. Our staff are City & Guilds qualified with extensive experience in domestic plumbing and bathroom installations.
We pride ourselves in a great service and quality of work, and value jobs big and small equally. We also offer installations for disabled and the elderly, and believe that there should be no compromise in the style, comfort, safety and finish of our work. If you wish to book one of our plumbers for a big or small job in the Berkshire area please contact us for a free no obligation estimate.
Simply click on the links for free plumbing guides and advice for DIYers and novice plumbers, covering a range of topics from leaking taps, full appliance installations to central heating systems and much more.
Basingstoke Bracknell Henley Maidenhead Reading Twyford Wokingham Woodley

Domestic Plumbing & Bathroom Installations - No Job Too Big Or Small
If you are experiencing an emergency leak and would like some advice to stop the water please click here.